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Telehealth Options
Almost all the providers at Shelby Psychological Services offer a telehealth option for therapy and evaluation. This is a method of delivering mental health care services using live interactive audio and video communication when the provider and client cannot be in the same physical location. This is a convenient option to save time for traveling, if there is difficulty leaving home due to illness or family member obligations, and when a client does not have enough time because of work to get to and from the office location. Clients MUST physically be in the state of Alabama during any telehealth session due to licensing laws. Our providers use different software platforms to provide the telehealth option, but all platforms are HIPPA compliant. Clients may elect to see their provider in person, through telehealth or a combination. Our staff will assist you in how to connect with your telehealth provider. A stable broadband internet connection through a computer with a webcam and microphone or tablet/smartphone is required.
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